Saturday, 18 May 2013

Desire- Seed of Success

The central role in quantum theory of discrete choices- the choices of which questions will be put to nature, and which answer nature delivers- makes quantum theory of discrete events, rather than a theory of the continuous evolution of locally conserved matter/energy. The basic building blocks of the new conception of nature are not objective tiny bits of matter, but choices of questions and answers.
-Henry Stapp

Desire could be understood in terms of question and answer of quantum theory; freedom is given to each individual to choose freely which question he will put to nature and, similarly, nature is free to pick an answer to the question from numerous possible answers. Despite the freedom on both sides (individual as well as nature), it is certain that questions motivated by positive emotions will result in success answers while questions arise out of fear or negative emotions will result in failure answers. In fact, failure answers are success answers in a manner because one desires for them by invoking negative emotions. 

The word 'desire' was originated with the meaning in respect of guidance by nature for ones' concern. Desire is derived from Latin phrase 'de sidus' which means 'from the stars'. Later, in advancing world and rising competition, a feeling of insecurity emerged into prominence and transformed the meaning of word desire from accepting conscious choice of answer selected by nature to a fixed answer chosen by individuals which prohibits ones' chance of meeting higher opportunities.

I heard a story of a boy who was sent to buy two pastries. He was told that they would cost 6 rupees. He went to bakery and asked for two pastries. The bakery owner asked five rupees for the pastries but he started arguing that he was told that they would cost 6 and he would pay only 6 rupees. The owner understood his problem and said with a smile that "5 is less than 6". The boy finally realized his mistake, stroked his head with blush on his face, paid 5 rupees and took the pastries. This happens to most of the people who choose the answer themselves and miss higher opportunities.

A young man asked Socrates the secret to success. Socrates told the young man to meet him near the river the next morning. They met. Socrates asked the young man to walk with him toward the river. When the water got up to their neck, Socrates took the young man by surprise and ducked him into the water. The boy struggled to get out but Socrates was strong and kept him there until the boy started turning blue. Socrates pulled his head out of the water and the first thing the young man did was to gasp and take a deep breath of air. Socrates asked, 'What did you want the most when you were there?" The boy replied, "Air." Socrates said, "That is the secret to success". 

The story is mostly misinterpreted and desire is considered as obsession for success but the story only displays the extent of his preparedness for success. Desire is not the state of obsessed mind but a state of relaxed mind. It simply means availability to receive nature's answer selected for him. Desire is a declaration that one is available and ready to face any test imposed by nature to prove his eligibility to greet the success. 

Dr. Richard Wiseman, a noted psychologist and author of the book 'Luck Factor,' did extensive research over a period of 10 years in finding factors for good or bad luck. In one of his experiments he gave lucky and unlucky person a newspaper asked them to find out how many photos were inside. On average, unlucky people spent about 2 minutes on this exercise while lucky people spent seconds because on the paper's second page- in big type- was the message "Stop counting: There are 43 photos in this newspaper." Lucky people tended to spot the message. Unlucky ones didn't. He put second one halfway through the paper: "Stop counting, tell the experimenter you have seen this and win $250." Again, the unlucky people missed it. He deduced from the experiment that unlucky people miss chance opportunities because they're too busy looking for something else. Lucky people see what is there rather than just what they're looking for. 

Once Michaelangelo was working on stones and someone asked him what was he doing? He replied, "I am removing extra stones from the statue inside." The same man asked the same question with another artist who was working with stones. The reply was general. He said, "I am making statue out of this stone." This is the basic difference between the art of Michaelangelo and others. Michaelangelo used guidance from the nature itself while others were obsessed with their preoccupied image of statue. There is no doubt why Michaelangelo's art was beautiful, magnificent and widely acclaimed because it was the choice of nature among the enormous possibilities, not the choice of Michaelangelo. He was just following the stars.

It was the year 1893, a young Indian Saint had heard vaguely of a Parliament of Religions to be opened someday somewhere in America and he had desired to attend it. He knew nothing about it, neither the exact date nor the conditions of admission. He also didn't have enough money to complete his journey; his ticket was sponsored by Maharaja of Khetri. He left Bombay on May 31, 1893 for America. Upon his arrival, in the middle of July, in Chicago, he discovered that the Parliament did not open until the first week of September and that it was too late for the registration of delegates; moreover, that no registration would be accepted without any official references. He had none, he was unknown, without any credential from any recognized group and his purse was nearly empty; it would not allow him to wait until the opening of the Congress. Instead of hoarding in inaction, the few dollars left with him, he spent them in visiting Boston. In the Boston train, a rich Massachusetts lady got flattered by his intelligence, invited him to her house and introduced him to the Hellenist, J. H. Wright, a professor at Harvard; he insisted that the young genius should represent at the Parliament of Religions and wrote to the President of the Committee. He offered the penniless pilgrim a railway ticket to Chicago and letters of recommendation to the Committee for finding lodging. In short, all his difficulties were removed. On September 11, 1893, as the last orator of the day, he hardly had pronounced the very simple opening words "Sisters and Brothers of America"; then hundreds rose in their seats and applauded. He was Swami Vivekanand. And what happened after that is history. He proved that desire is seed of success and when planted on the potential ground of uncertainty, having enormous possibilities. meets the chance of higher opportunities.  

Everyone has a will to win but very few have the will to prepare to win.
- Vince Lombardi

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